Taking Hearing Tests in Cambodia: Knowing Different Factors to Consider

hearing test going on for a patient

Hearing tests in Cambodia are necessary for a large number of patients facing issues with their hearing systems. There are several reputed firms providing high-quality Signia hearing aids and performing professional hearing tests, in the country. 

But, it is necessary for every hearing patient to consider important factors, before taking hearing test services, in Cambodia. Considering this, will help hearing patients to get prepared for the test, from all sides.

Following these factors will help them to get an effective assessment of the extent of their hearing damage. 

The Complete Procedure Of Hearing Tests In Cambodia

According to the different symptoms of hearing issues, the audiologist or the hearing specialist will perform some specific tests. They will do this to determine the level of hearing loss in the patient. 

At first, audiologists will try to clearly communicate with the patient. This will help them to understand the medical history of the patient; the lifestyle and occupation of the patient, for more effective assessment.

After this, the audiologist will go for an in-depth visual examination of the ears. They will deeply examine the outer part of the ear and use an otoscope for checking the middle part of the ear. They may get to see the build-up of earwax inside the patient’s ear, while doing this. 

Audiologists may suggest clean-up of earwax, to have an accurate result for the hearing test in Cambodia. Different hearing patients will be kept in a soundproof or acoustically designed room space, such as a sound booth. 

Here, the specialist will use a specific speaker or headphone. They will use it to play different types of audios, for the right assessment. Test audios may include certain tones, sounds and speeches, for which the hearing patient will respond to. 

On the basis of the final results of these procedures, the hearing specialist will complete an audiogram. This will help them to assess the severity of hearing losses. 

4 Key Factors To Consider Before Taking Hearing Test Cambodia

There are many important factors to consider by patients. This must be done before taking hearing tests in Cambodia from a professional agency selling high quality Signia hearing aids and conducting accurate hearing tests. 

  • Collecting All The Necessary Information

A hearing patient must try to gather each and every necessary information about their hearing problems. This may include past ear health records and patients should try to organise these records, chronologically. This will increase their convenience while finding the right record. 

These important docs will have some critical info that will provide more deep insights into the hearing health of the patient, to the audiologists. If there is earwax build-up, the hearing specialist will first clean-up the earwax and reduce the symptoms. This will be beneficial for both the doctor and the patient. 

  • Cleaning The Ears Before The Test

Although the audiologist will clean the earwax build-up while testing, it is good for the patient to clean their ears before going for the nesting tests in Cambodia. Patients can use a soft cloth and warm water to clean the outer area of their ears. Also, after cleaning, it is necessary to ensure that there is no excess moisture in the ear. 

Most importantly, patients should never use cotton swabs for cleaning the inner ears. This will ultimately push the earwax more inside of the ear. It can increase the chances of blockage and may also damage the ear canal. 

  • Cancelling The Appointment, If Feeling Unwell

Common reasons for feeling unwell, such as cough and cold or fever, can affect the accuracy of the hearing tests in Cambodia. If the patient is not well, he/she should try to communicate it to the hearing specialist, for rescheduling the appointment.

It is always best for the hearing patient to recover properly from these, before going for the hearing test. This is necessary for the effectiveness of the test. 

  • Staying Away From Excessive Noise Levels

Hearing patients should try to avoid visiting excessive noisy areas, as much as possible. This includes staying away from heavy music concerts or very loud fireworks, prior to the day of appointment. 

Excessive loud noises can change the hearing range temporarily. This will result in inaccurate hearing test results, for the patient. Excessive loud noises are one of the main reasons for long term hearing loss in the patients.

If avoiding this is impossible, then the patients must try to cover their ears with protective gears such as earplugs or earmuffs. 


Hearing patients have to consider different factors for taking the most appropriate hearing test in Cambodia. This is necessary for having the right assessment of the severity of the hearing loss.

From collecting past information/records about the hearing health to staying away from excessive noisy environments. Following each of these factors will help to improve the accuracy of the hearing test results.  

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