4 Best Green Coffee Bean Wholesalers in Brazil

4 Best Green Coffee Beans Wholesalers in Brazil

Do you know that no matter how much you like to savor your coffee, it all originates from its raw version, ‘Green Coffee Beans’? Most leading coffee producers initially procure unroasted coffee beans which undergo heavy processing like grinding and roasting. This powder obtained is ultimately savored in the form of Americano, Espresso, Cappuccino, etc. 

As coffee gives an instant boost to energy and holds an earthy taste, it is one of the most preferred drinks globally. Global coffee demand has amplified due to the rampant commercialization of coffee businesses (like Starbucks, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, Tim Hortons, etc.).

Brazil’s coffee beans are the best in the world. Brazilians are the second-highest coffee drinkers in the world, consuming 22,000,000 coffee bags. The global market size of green coffee was USD 38.37 billion in 2023 which is expected to grow more further.

Brazil’s Coffee Legacy

Brazil is the largest producer and exporter of A-Grade coffee globally, contributing one-third of the world’s total coffee production. Additionally, Brazil enjoys an extra reputation for producing high-quality coffee beans and berries from the Arabica and Robusta categories. This factor has immensely positively affected Brazil’s socio-economic status by significant margins since the colonial era.

In 1727, a French Sergeant Major named Francisco de Melo Palheta was the first individual to introduce a coffee plant to this Latin-American country. The country’s favorable geographic setup gradually led to the expansion of coffee plantations, mainly along its Eastern and northern parts.

Brazil has 14 heavy coffee-producing regions, from which the coffee plantations cultivated in the 5 South-Eastern states enjoy substantial global demand. These are the districts of Minas Gerais, Paraná, São Paulo, Espirito Santos, and Rio de Janeiro. 

Minas Gerais supports almost half of the nation’s supreme coffee production. Its suitable climate, humidity, sunlight exposure, soil content, hilly terrain, and other factors controlling its favorable physical environment have organically aggravated Brazil’s massive coffee production (including the regular and green types). These factors directly enhance the production of superior-quality coffee beans. Bahia is the other crucial district in this matter.

Meanwhile, Rondonia and Bahia are the other regions known for growing A-grade Brazilian coffee. Located in North Brazil, these regions excel in the exclusive cultivation of the ‘Robusta’ category of coffee. 

What is Green Coffee & its Benefits?

Green coffee refers to the unroasted coffee beans. Physically, these coffee beans look partially mature and are green in color. Hence, this coffee is also called ‘raw’ or ‘unroasted’ coffee that’s organically unfiltered. Green bean coffee has more chlorogenic acid than roasted coffee. 

It’s beneficial to drink two hot cups of green coffee every day. Let’s see how;

  • This coffee has chlorogenic acid, which helps dissolve fats and glucose. This condition boosts your body’s metabolism, helping with weight loss. 
  • These beans are high in nutrition and antioxidants that aid in cancer treatment. Chlorogenic acid also breaks down tumor tissues. 
  • This same acid in green bean coffee beans helps combat the stress hormone cortisol and increases insulin secretion. Together, these conditions control and maintain blood pressure and blood sugar levels. 
  • The antioxidant properties of chlorogenic acid reduce wrinkles, blemishes, fine lines, and regrow new skin cells. It also protects your skin from harmful UV rays.
  • As a natural purifying beverage, green bean coffee helps flush out toxins, such as cholesterol, impurities, and excess fat, from the body.
  • The antioxidants in this coffee actively fight against fatigue, and Alzheimer’s. They also increase dopamine secretion, uplifting your mood and happiness.

Check out the 4 Best Brazilian Green Coffee Beans Wholesalers

From pre- to post-independence, Brazil gradually commercialized the colonial patterns of coffee plantations as its national asset on its undulating hilly terrain. Localities mastered the craft of coffee cultivation by making the most of their natural geophysical setup. 

This craft passes on across Brazil’s coffee farming lineage as a heritage ritual. Farmers manually nurture coffee plants with the faith of reaping fruitful returns. Similarly, Brazil’s leading green coffee wholesalers procure the best green beans for foreign export.

Let’s check out the four best green bean wholesalers in Brazil; 

1. Atlantica Coffee

Atlantica Coffee

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Atlantica Coffee is one of Brazil’s top green coffee exporters. It was founded a little over two decades ago by the Montesanto Tavares Group, which recognizes coffee’s crucial role in driving social involvement and connection. A team of 150 members actively runs the firm’s business.

This Brazilian coffee brand specializes in selling supreme-quality Arabica coffee. Reportedly, skilled personnel carefully extract these raw coffee beans from the reputed coffee plantation in Brazil’s Minas Gerais state. These are Matas de Minas, Garça, Alta Mogiana, North Minas, South Minas, Bahia’s West, and Cerrado. 

In addition to coffee lovers, this coffee exporting company dedicates its business to every farm and company-level supply chain personnel actively or passively involved in the coffee business. These personnel include coffee cultivators, intermediaries, business partners, roasters, and general consumers. 

This way, Atlantica Coffee emerges as one of Brazil’s most prominent and superior exporters of fine green Arabica coffee beans. This coffee brand constantly witnesses an upsurge in its market demand for dealing with 100% Arabica beans, the superior type of coffee bean in terms of taste and aroma. This business follows a commercial orientation.

The stats for 2020 reportedly reveal that its business soared by successfully exporting over 2 million jute carriers of superior-quality green Arabica coffee beans worldwide (exceeding 40 countries).

This coffee business has modern infrastructures, including high-tech machinery, facilities, packaging setup, and speedy transport services for selecting, processing, reprocessing, storing, and transporting fresh green beans. Well-qualified and equipped personnel manage this business’s entire assembly-line procession.

Atlantica’s overall service enjoys an upper hand in the consumer market because it supports a strong ‘Client Service Cell’ that effectively addresses, anticipates, and resolves customer complaints, queries, and demands. 

This export company excels in carefully managing the shelf life of Arabiata green beans throughout their assembly-line processing, packaging, and transportation phases.

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2. BrasilJuta Green Coffee

BrasilJuta Green Coffee

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BrasilJuta Green Coffee excels in the global export of supreme-quality Brazilian coffee beans and fruits. It was established in 2002 and is headquartered in the Brazilian city of São Paulo.

Brazil Juta exclusively specializes in exporting superior-quality Brazilian green beans in Arabica and Robusta varieties. Farmers manually cultivate these beans with special attention and care along the hilly slopes of Sul de Minas, Cerrado Mineiro, and Mogiana. 

Regional topographic limitations inhibit technical assistance during the cultivation stages. Other geographical factors, such as soil, altitude, climatic conditions, sunshine availability, and rain occurrence, affect the coffee beans’ inert properties, such as flavor, moisture, and acidic content. Hence, coffee farmers’ detailed manual care and nurturing help obtain the best yields of these coffee beans.

Post-extraction, the coffee yield is brought to the factory, where the green beans are separated from the cherry and dry beans through the pulper. While the cherry beans get pulped, the separated coffee beans are packed in moisture-free jute carriers, ready for exportation.

As an edible coffee variant, green beans possess a higher nutritional content than their counterparts. Many doctors and dieticians worldwide raise awareness regarding its post-consumption health benefits. BrasilJuta carefully notes these medical recommendations and considers the overall efficiency of its hoarding process and packaging service. 

This process involves setting favorable temperature and moisture conditions at every phase of the global exportation of these coffee beans. The firm also ensures the speedy completion of the entire process, from farm extraction to final packaging and international shipment. This measure avoids the risks of raw bean fermentation under natural circumstances.

In summary, BrasilJuta aims to emerge as the face of the best-quality green coffee beans “Made in Brazil”!

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3. Vuno Coffee

Vuno Coffee

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Vuno Coffee, brought to you by the Vancouver-based food and health company Phyto Planet, supplies world-class Brazilian coffee beans to other countries. Besides restoring their inert properties, Vuno prioritizes expanding the shelf life of raw coffee beans through the attentive execution of their overall processing and transportation process.

This famous coffee bean wholesaler has proudly reinstated Brazil’s Minas Gerais as its home base. This region is the renowned birthplace of Brazil’s organically reputed coffee plantations. Since the 1800s, it has emerged as one of the largest producers and exporters of fine coffee beans and products (including raw green coffee beans).

This firm relies on farmers resorting to manual and organic coffee farming techniques to extract Brazil’s best coffee beans in their superiorly organic state. The traditional farming process along the hill slopes ensures the restoration of these Brazilian beans’ uniquely inert aroma, taste, quality, and moisture content. 

Vuno Coffee helps export Brazil’s characteristically advanced coffee beans worldwide. They carefully collect, store, and then glocally dispatch sacks of coffee beans under organically preserved conditions. Their factory involves high-end processors, storage sectors, and technological infrastructure to precisely balance the outlet’s indoor temperature, pressure, and moisture conditions.

This famous Brazilian coffee wholesaler excels in producing premium-graded green and berry coffee beans under Arabica and Robusta varieties. Their farm yield first passes through a secure sieve to segregate defective/ broken coffee beans from the others. The process repeats in the next segment to separate the raw coffee beans from the ripe coffee berries. Finally, these beans proceed to the packaging segment for being dispatched to Brazil’s luxurious cafe outlets and other countries.

Vuno Coffee has been accredited by the ‘Brazilian Institute of Environmental and Renewable Natural Resources’, ‘Good Manufacturing Practices Program’, ‘U.S. Food & Drug Administration’, and ‘Kosher Halal Certifications’. These follow the firm’s stringent follow-up of the environmental norms monitoring the entire coffee production and supply routine.

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4. Green Coffee Brazil

Green Coffee Brazil

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Magnus Brazil, a renowned business controlling the production of agricultural commodities, is the principal founder and manager of Green Coffee Brazil. This wholesale Brazilian coffee trader caters to the coffee demands of the nation and a host of foreign countries. Their leading coffee bean importers are the United States, Argentina, Germany, China, South Korea, and Japan.

Their storage facilities are located in the Brazilian estate of São Paulo and near Minas Gerais. They extract the raw coffee yields from the hilly plantations of Minas Gerais to execute their overall processing, storage, and exportation activities.

GCB manages the coffee industry’s coffee supply chain activities. It also aims to boost the economic status of Brazil’s coffee farmers by procuring superior-grade green coffee beans from them. Traders try to extract the best profit margins by selling premium coffee beans to eligible purchasing parties and exporters at suitably competitive prices.

While selecting the best coffee beans from the plantations’ fresh yield, the farmers and intermediaries carefully consider the physical factors of each green bean from the Arabica category. These involve aroma, moisture content, acidity, body structure, and sweetness. These beans possess complex chemicals like esters, aldehydes, ketones, and furans, which control their sucrose levels.

GCB strategically coordinates with officially certified coffee brokers and food-quality checking organizations, who select premium coffee samples through detailed quality control and checks. Following this, each sample receives a certified grade to assert its quality finesse in the world coffee market.

Based on business strategy, GCB trades top-grade Brazilian green coffee under the specialty classifications of ‘Organic,’ ‘Estate Coffee,’ ‘Fair Trade, ‘and ‘Gourmet’. Officials execute quality and weight checks of the coffee beans and packages at FOB or CIF’s Incoterms.

GCB uses a particular variant of polypropylene (PP) plastic from the brand Grain Pro. This variant is sturdier than regular polythene and can withstand prolonged tensive pressure. This material easily facilitates the company’s export of high-quality coffee beans through long shipping distances to foreign countries. 

The coffee beans do not exhibit any chemical reaction while stored in these plastic containers, as GCB does not use jute bags. Despite being tightly secured and sealed, packagers ensure the packages are vacuum-free with low levels of oxygen and high levels of carbon dioxide’s presence. 

This organic setup prevents coffee bean fermentation by suspending the shelf-life of stored coffee beans. The standard weight of their coffee packages/ bags ranges from 60 kg to 1,000 kg.

GCB stores coffee beans in 20-foot containers, each accommodating around 330 bags/ packages of 60 kg. Shipping activities are executed through and monitored from Brazil’s Santos Ocean Port when exporting coffee beans.

They commonly resort to the ‘Free On Board’ (FOB) incoterm shipping mode while exporting these coffee beans. During this process, the company delivers the ready-to-export coffee package to its nominated customer, who meets at a mutually agreed-upon location. 

Magnus Brazil controls the entire shipping and exportation routine of Green Coffee Brazil. They partner with suitable maritime shipping businesses for their speedy and efficient execution. However, if GCB’s core client prefers to resort to another maritime shipping business of their choice, then MB can try persuading the ‘Cost Insurance and Freight’ (CIF) in this regard. 

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Quick Recap!

Caffeine addicts worldwide seek to savor premium-quality Brazilian coffee in various beverages. As discussed before, Brazil’s coffee beans consistently enjoy a high global demand, restoring their inert acidic, flavorful, and aromatic properties in peak organic state. 

Besides these reasons, Brazil still resorts to manual coffee plantation techniques, which add extra value to Brazilian green coffee beans in the global coffee market. Consumers who are health-conscious and love to consume coffee in its whole and highly authentic state (unroasted/ ungrounded) prefer purchasing Brazil’s raw coffee beans. 

Are you looking to start a retail business selling these coffee beans? This blog will definitely help you identify Brazil’s top 4 green coffee wholesalers you can get these beans from. Besides retaining their qualitative virtues, these aforementioned companies are known for selling the best quality coffee beans at an affordable cost.

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